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scott wohlschlager

A Sandpoint, Idaho native, Scott continued his education at the University of Idaho, earning his Bachelor's and Master’s Degrees in Architecture. After schooling, Scott went on to work for CTA Architects/Engineers, a large integrated design firm specializing in sustainable architecture and designing for mountain communities. While there, he worked on public projects like the LEED-Silver winning Sandpoint Charter School, Master Planning for the Pend Oreille Bay Trail, and Memorial Field conceptual design. On these projects, Scott fostered his love of creating for the public, and how architecture is not only about shaping spaces, but shaping community, too.

Beyond community projects, Scott thrives in the connection between design and construction, applying process efficiency to residential and commercial projects alike. When he isn’t working, Scott enjoys being with his family, sharing in his love of outdoor recreation and of the perspectives and inspiration gained from traveling near and far.